Our first stop in Singapore is a Pork Rib Soup Eating House called 黃亞細肉骨茶餐室. This is a very famous eatery, as even the governor of Hong Kong paid a visit but was denied service since he arrived after the closing time. This eatery is a hawker center (熟食中心), with most of the tables out in the open. Its style is similar to 大排檔 which was very popular in Hong Kong a few decades ago. There is not much décor at all, but their food is pretty cheap. We went to the eatery at around 10am but it is already filled with many people. Even though the eatery has plastic tables and plastic chairs, it is interesting that all waiters use PDAs to take orders.
We did not want too much for breakfast, so we just got two orders of their famous pork rib soup. There are two different styles of pork rib soup in Singapore, one is 福建式 with lots of herbs and the other is 潮州式 with lots of pepper. Which one is better? It really depends on your individual taste. 黃亞細肉骨茶餐室 serves the latter, which is pork rib soup with lots of pepper. In my opinion, there is way too much pepper and that is all I could taste in the soup. It is too peppery and spicy for my taste. The pork ribs have been cooked for a long time and that’s why they are very rough. I was expecting the pork ribs to be more tender, and so I was a little disappointed. Due to the spiciness, I had to keep drinking tea to water down the heat in my mouth. The tea that they serve has a sweet taste to it.
Even though it was late October, it was still extremely hot in Singapore, over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. As we were drinking the pork rib soup, we kept sweating like crazy. This reminded me of the origin of the pork rib soup. In the old times, the 苦力 does not have a lot of money and they cook a meat soup that they eat with rice to fill their stomachs and give them strength for the day. Later, the pork rib soup became an iconic dish of both Singapore and Malaysia.
HOKAT Rating:
208 Rangoon Road, Singapore
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